
Showing posts from July, 2021

CSS Box Model

The Css Box model defines about layout and design which consist margin, border, padding and actual content. you would be able to see a box in which a part of 512x128. This is the actual data.  The padding exist between border and actual data. The margin exist out of the border.   <style> .container{              background :  red ;              margin :  14px ;              padding :  13px ;              border :  4px   solid   black ; } </style>

Block and Inline Element

  Block Element The block element takes full width with top and bottom margin. It always start with a new Line. < address > < article > < aside > < blockquote > < canvas > < dd > < div > < dl > < dt > < fieldset > < figcaption > < figure > < footer > < form > < h1 > - < h6 > < header > < hr > < li > < main > < nav > < noscript > < ol > < p > < pre > < section > < table > < tfoot > < ul > < video > Inline Element The inline element takes necessary width without any margin and it start does not with new line. < a > < abbr > < acronym > < b > < bdo > < big > < br > < button > < cite > < code > < dfn > < em > < i > < img > < input > < kbd > < label > < map > < object > < output >...

List Format

There are two types of list. 1. An Unordered List In this we can show the list in 3 type formats. Disk, Circle and Square.  By default this take Disk first and then Circle. If you want to show again by default then square. < h2 > An Unordered List </ h2 >      < ul >          < li > This is first item of Unordered list. </ li >          < li > This is second item of unordered list. </ li >          < li > This is third item fo unorederd list. </ li >          < li >              < ul >               ...

Full stack web developer strategy for Beginners


The code of Loading in Html with Css

<! DOCTYPE   html > < html   lang = "en" > < head >      < meta   charset = "UTF-8" >      < meta   http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible"   content = "IE=edge" >      < meta   name = "viewport"   content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" >      < title > Loading Animation </ title >      < style >          * {              margin :  0 ;              padding :  0 ;         }          section {              height :  100vh ;          ...

A Smile 😊 Codes in Html with Css

<!DOCTYPE html> < html   lang = "en" > < head >      < meta   charset = "UTF-8" >      < meta   http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible"   content = "IE=edge" >      < meta   name = "viewport"   content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" >      < title > Smile Shape </ title >      < style >          .maincircle  {              margin :  60px ;              padding :  60px ;              background :  yellow ;              border-radius :  100% ;         ...


Today I start a new journey with my code ... I focus to my coding developement continuesly as per Day ... Maybe my post will be helpful to eveyone..