

 composer require php:^8.0 dompdf/dompdf:^1.0 phpoffice/phpspreadsheet:^1.18 phpmailer/phpmailer:^6.5 composer require dompdf/dompdf phpoffice/phpspreadsheet phpmailer/phpmailer

pendrive bootable steps


Star Pattern in C Language

# include  < stdio.h > int   main () {      printf (" Please enter 0 for triangular star print and 1 for revers triangular star print :  ");      int   num ;      scanf (" %d ",   & num );      if  ( num   ==   0 )     {          printf (" How many rows do you want to print for triangular star pattern:   ");          int   n ;          scanf (" %d ",   & n );          for  ( int   i   =   0 ;  i   <   n ;  i ++ )         {      ...

CSS Box Model

The Css Box model defines about layout and design which consist margin, border, padding and actual content. you would be able to see a box in which a part of 512x128. This is the actual data.  The padding exist between border and actual data. The margin exist out of the border.   <style> .container{              background :  red ;              margin :  14px ;              padding :  13px ;              border :  4px   solid   black ; } </style>

Block and Inline Element

  Block Element The block element takes full width with top and bottom margin. It always start with a new Line. < address > < article > < aside > < blockquote > < canvas > < dd > < div > < dl > < dt > < fieldset > < figcaption > < figure > < footer > < form > < h1 > - < h6 > < header > < hr > < li > < main > < nav > < noscript > < ol > < p > < pre > < section > < table > < tfoot > < ul > < video > Inline Element The inline element takes necessary width without any margin and it start does not with new line. < a > < abbr > < acronym > < b > < bdo > < big > < br > < button > < cite > < code > < dfn > < em > < i > < img > < input > < kbd > < label > < map > < object > < output >...

List Format

There are two types of list. 1. An Unordered List In this we can show the list in 3 type formats. Disk, Circle and Square.  By default this take Disk first and then Circle. If you want to show again by default then square. < h2 > An Unordered List </ h2 >      < ul >          < li > This is first item of Unordered list. </ li >          < li > This is second item of unordered list. </ li >          < li > This is third item fo unorederd list. </ li >          < li >              < ul >               ...

Full stack web developer strategy for Beginners
